Celebrating Women’s History Month and the Design Icon Dorothy Draper – According to LiLu Interiors
To move forward into the future we must also look backward into our past. History records the trails blazed by strong inventive women and we hold these stories dearly with us in present day and we carry them with us into the future. During Women's History Month LiLu Interiors is re-posting blogs we shared in the past about design icon Dorothy Draper. Take a moment to read her story.
Dorothy Draper is an American interior design icon. She opened her own studio, the first in the country in 1923. She was bold and brash and unafraid to take on the male-dominated construction industry. Apparently, her early design aesthetic was far less gaudy; she tended toward classic interiors in a neutral color palette. Sometime in 1930, after a series of life blows she re-invented herself into the Dorothy Draper we know and love. It is written about her that she often was plagued with feelings of inadequacy, feeling too tall, lanky and brunette in a world of petite blondes in a time when it was said that blondes had more fun. We would say she was gorgeous and statuesque, and that today's woman has her to thank for blazing a trail that we can all celebrate.
In her book, "Decorating is Fun!" written in 1939 she states, "The whole trend of today is away from fussy timidity and toward imaginative boldness." You can say that again...
The above images were found at another inspired design website: DesignSponge. These photos are from one of Draper's most well-known hotel installations: The Greenbrier Resort in White Sulphur Springs, WV.
For more information and the fascinating history of Dorothy Draper check out these websites Dorothy Draper & Company and The Greenbrier Resort