Welcoming a Baby with Intention-Nursery Interior Design Tips-According to LiLu
By Lisa Peck, ASID
One of the great joys in life is welcoming a new baby home! Parents want the new little person in their lives to have the perfect place to spend time sleeping, reading, and playing. All parents have the intention of providing the best of everything for their child. Designing a nursery that suits baby and provides a place to rest and play can seem daunting. What colors are best? What are the most desirable patterns? What products and finishes are safe? Today we offer tips for designing the perfect haven for your sweet one.
When it comes to selecting colors don’t be afraid to have some fun. Consider back drops that are neutral or lighter in color to provide a contrast to some bolder accent colors. Consider walls that are gray, lavender, taupe, light yellow, blushy nude or green to create a soothing envelope for baby’s room. Then add some stronger accent colors for stimulation. Consider using patterns with contrast on some smaller things (quilt or toys) in the room. At younger ages babies see contrast more than color.
Furniture Essentials
First and most important look for furniture manufacturers who have organic or non-toxic options. A key thing to look for is NO VOC’s. VOC’s are off-gassed chemicals that are bad for you and baby. Mattresses are the thing that baby is in contact with the most so if budget is an issue choose an organic mattress and bedding and skip that label on the rest.
You need a safe crib, a good dresser, a comfortable chair and storage for books and toys. Beyond that think about fun extras but don’t crowd the room. Learning to crawl and walk requires plenty of open floor space.
Leave Room for Growth
When your baby is born family and friends will want to buy or make keepsakes that you will want to leave space for. Then there is the accumulation that inevitably happens. Board books, cute art, the super comfy throw and new toys will make their way into the room as time marches on, leave some empty walls and shelf space for new treasures including photos of baby as they grow. Check out our blog next Wednesday for tips on designing a nursery that can transform with few changes as your child grows beyond the toddler years.