Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself-According to LiLu Interiors
By Lisa Peck, ASID
The entry of your home presents a unique design opportunity of allowing you to introduce yourself! Do you remember when movies had long opening credits with graphics and theme music? This interlude allowed an audience member to start to shed the reality of their day to day existence and start to immerse themselves in a new reality. It might be upbeat and zany, like the intro to “How to Marry a Millionaire” or tension-filled like “Gaslight”. Whatever the mood, you started to get the idea of what you would experience over the next two hours. I would like you to think of your entry as the interlude that allows guests to start to understand the experience they will have at your home.
Who Do You Think You Are?
When designing your entry, you are letting your guest know who you are! The first thing you need to do is make a list of words that will start to set the concept or tone for your home.
Which list suits you? If none do…write your own list
One Two Three
Playful Sophisticated Straightforward
Colorful World traveler Grounded
Active Serene Curious
Putting your Personality on Display
Think about including elements in your entry that start to introduce you! It might be a collection you’ve amassed over the years or a family heirloom or an artwork that symbolizes a loved one. Don’t be afraid to take some risks and let your personality shine through! An entry is a great place to go over the top. People do not spend long periods of time in the entry, so you can be bold, irreverent, colorful or use massing and material in a wild way to create a strong impression.
These are some of our favorite entries. They tell a bit of the story of the people who live in each home. Each one is unique and is the perfect introduction to a home where the style is laid-back and playful, cultural and refined, or sophisticated and welcoming. Does your home tell your story? LiLu Interiors would love to help you create a home that does!