04 January, 2016

A modern cherry dining table for the entire family-Monday’s Peek at a Project

by Lisa Peck, ASID

Later in the week, I will post about keeping our New Year's resolutions. A common one is to spend more time with family and friends. The intention behind this resolution is often to develop deep and meaningful connections with the people you love the most. A great conversation around a comfortable dining table is one of the best ways to create bonds that cross generations of family members. This is a peek at a table that Ally Evander and I designed in collaboration with Ian Grant from Bjorling Grant for a client for whom family connection is a number one priority!

Quartered Cherry Modern Dining Table

The table that was a bespoke design met our client's desire to extend to a size that could seat 16-18 family and "chosen" family member at one table for a holiday gathering and could be used for smaller, more casual get together on an every day basis. We truly enjoyed collaborating with the client, the furniture makers and everyone on this extraordinary dining table. To see just how easily the table extends take a look at the video below.